Every day, countless Canadians struggle with the agony of knee arthritis. This condition can heavily impact daily activities, recreational pursuits, and overall quality of life. However, there’s hope. Through a holistic and comprehensive approach emphasizing movement and function, physiotherapy for arthritis provides much-needed relief. Imagine a life where each step is a reminder of persistent
Relieve Your Pain Without Harmful Medications! Arthritis is a common term used to describe over 100 different forms of joint pain and disease. Many people believe that arthritis affects only the aged, but this is far from reality. According to Healthline, “the symptoms of arthritis usually develop over time, but they may also appear suddenly.
You Don’t Have to Live in Pain! Have you ever experienced pain in your lower back, knees, wrists, hips, or joints? Arthritis may be the culprit. Arthritis is a joint condition that causes discomfort, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation. In the event that only one joint is inflamed, the condition is known as monoarthritis. If two
Are you suffering from the aches, pains, and stiffness of arthritis? If so, you’re not alone. There are millions of people who live with arthritis, and it is no secret that it can limit your life. Fortunately, participating in regular physiotherapy treatments can help manage your arthritis pain and reduce your symptoms. For more information
Anyone living with arthritis knows how debilitating it can be. Several people dealing with arthritic aches and pains end up resorting to steroid injections, antirheumatic drugs, or even joint replacement surgery, in order to manage their pain. However, physiotherapy itself has proven successful for many arthritis sufferers. Before turning to potentially harmful drugs or an