Physiotherapy is a cornerstone of recovery and wellness for countless Canadians. Whether you’re dealing with a recent injury, chronic pain, or looking to improve your overall health, physiotherapy offers a personalized approach that can make a significant difference in your life. At Raynen Therapies, we aim to provide you with the best possible care, addressing
Did You Know Physiotherapy Could Provide You With the Relief You Need? Do you take opioids to manage your pain? Well, you’re not alone. Health care providers in the US write over 200 million prescriptions for opioid pain medication every year. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has even issued guidelines about this and
Did You Know Physiotherapy Could Decrease the Need for Opioids? If you’ve been struggling with serious pain problems for a while, and you’ve gotten little to no relief from over-the-counter painkillers, your doctor may want to prescribe opioids to control that pain. But as tempting as it might be to numb yourself with these powerful